Fiction | Essays | Scripts

Carrie Lee South earned her MFA at the Arkansas Writer’s Workshop and is an editor at StoryBottle Co. She loves stories that evoke wonder, fear, and things that keep you awake at night. When she’s not reading and writing, she’s spending time with birds (her own and the ones outside). Her writing has appeared in The Mid/South Anthology, Iron Horse Literary Review, Opus Comics, The Dread Machine, Tales to Terrify, and elsewhere. She is currently working on her first novel.

Recent Publications

Feeding On Ourselves

“Crispy char on the outside, fat melting in my mouth—it was the best thing I had ever tasted.”

Tales to Terrify


“It was hard not to be envious. Her slender fingers could stretch to a perfect twelfth interval.

diet milk

Swimming Home

“A heartbreaking tale from the music of Evanescence.”

Opus Comics